Latin American Now! - January

Austerity, the destruction of the welfare state, the naked brutality of the free market, the suffering of many to secure immense profits for the few, the blind consumption of the planet’s resources and future…

Is this the only way we can organise society?

Latin America is showing us an alternative – a just and fair society run by the people for the people. A society which puts people and planet before profit.

Latin America Now! is being organised by the many Latin America support groups in Manchester to show us, and help us learn from, what is happening there with a view to developing a continued space for collaboration.

The event will take place on Saturday 26th January at the Friends Meeting House in Manchester with speakers including Colin Burgon (Venezuela Solidarity Campaign), Patrick Kane (War on Want) and Emile Morris (Institute of the Americas, University College London)

To book you place, click here